our strengths【5】import medical equipment.

We can import medical equipment instead of our customer

We obtained that Medical manufacturing industry and Medical manufacturing sales industry classⅡ permission in April 2021.

trade nameSK Co., Ltd.
(in Japanese:株式会社エスケー)
Name with principal functionsSK Co., Ltd.
(in Japanese:株式会社エスケー)
place with principal functions3-14-2 motoasakusa Taito-ku tokyo,Japan
(in Japanese:東京都台東区元浅草3-14-2)
Certification NumberMedical device manufacturing industry 13BZ201513
Certification Number
classⅡ medical device manufacturing sales  13B2X10474
Date of certificationApril 16, 2021

This allows us to be support a range of medical device import for our customer’s needs.

If you are a distributor from overseas who wants to help Medical institution in Japan with innovative medical devices, please contact us by contact form.

We will continue to work hard to deliver even safer and more reliable products.
We look forward to working with you in the future.